Social programs of the group

There is no question that the Group Blattner Elwyn (GBE) is an essential partner for development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In addition to its numerous investments in manufacturing, agro-pastoral and service sectors, the GBE contribution is enhanced by its support of rural communities in the essential areas of health, education and basic infrastructure. This is organized through its three not-for-profit organizations presented below:

Rural Congolese Health: SRC

Santé Rurale Congolaise (SRC) is the principle means by which the GBE achieves its aid in the health sector. The SRC serves the regions around Tshela, Imbolo, Yalusaka, Basankusu, Binga and Bosondjo.

Rural Congolese Development: DRC

Développement Rural Copngolaise (DRC) is the avenue through which the GBE accomplishes its humanitarian aid in general development.

Rural Education for All: ERT

Eduction Rurale pour Tous (ERT) is the not-for-profit through which GBE aids in education.

On top of all this, one must also consider the thousands of jobs that are created for he populations of both urban and rural locales.